Friday, January 18, 2019

Our adventure to Egypt starts here...Days 1-2

As a kid I loved reading books about the pyramids and the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.   A trip to Egypt has always been on my "bucket list".  Never dreamed that I actually would get to see the pyramids, let alone step inside after the revolution took place in January, 2011. It was then Egypt experienced a political upheaval that lasted for years.  At that time, all tourism to Egypt stopped.  I thought my dream of seeing the pyramids was over.
Internet photo from January, 2011

Fast forward to October, 2017, when the company we love to travel with advertised tours starting in the fall of 2018.  Egypt was once again ready to welcome visitors to the country.

Within a few hours of receiving an email announcing this trip, we booked it!  It will be a 3-week trip where we will explore the ancient wonders of the pyramids and Valley of the Kings, sail on the River Nile, and learn about Egyptian life from the local people.

For me, traveling with O.A.T. is like pressing the "easy button".  The itinerary is all planned out, the tour group of travelers is limited to 12-16, and the Trip Leader, who guides us around, is a licensed Egyptologist who knows more about the history, language, religion and architecture of Egypt than we could ever imagine.

All we have to do is wait 13 months before this adventure can begin.  Finally the day arrives and we fly to Cairo and begin this wonderful adventure.

Ready to land in Cairo.

So follow along as I show you some of the highlights of a trip of a lifetime!  Just scroll down to and click on "Newer Post" to experience what's next for us:  Cairo and the Giza Pyramids!


  1. Excited to read this blog. Truthfully, this part of the world has never been of much interest to me, but after your facebook postings it has much more appeal. I never did get Christmas cards sent this year so I will wish you happy travels for the future.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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